easterly cheese cupcakes or swirlcake

....and even this year Easter came unexpectedly fast… =:o
nothing prepared but the usual ingredients in the cupboard…?!
go ahead and look at last year’s Easter egg recipe or follow these easy and quick steps for mini cheese cupcakes or a swirl cake.
ingredients for 24 mini cupcakes or one swirl cake:
3 handful of almonds (ideally soaked for 8 hrs & dried by 42°, to get rid of the acidity, make them more digestible & activated and have some xtra crunch, but normal ones will do as well)
8-10 fresh pitted dates
a pinch of Himalaya salt
fillings: 500 ml cashews (ideally soaked for about 8 hours or over night)
2 dl coconut oil juice of 2 lemons
2 tbsp agave syrup or honey ½ tsp curcuma
two dashes of vanilla powder
250 ml blueberry juice (or a hand full of blueberries and 150ml water)
1 tsp agar-agar powder (vegetable gelatine counterpart)
this is what you do:
swirlcake bottom:
cut the almonds and dates into small pieces and mix by hand to a sticky and crunchy dough.
line a ca. 20 cm spring form with parchment paper and press the dough evenly out on the bottom.
cupcake bottoms: as these cakes are a bit smaller you should work the dough a bit finer than for the swirlcake. best in a food processor. divide the dough into 24 even part, roll small balls and press them into mini cupcake forms.
for the fillings divide the cashews into two even parts.
to one add the juice of 1 ½ lemons, one tbsp agave syrup, a dash of vanilla powder, and 1/2 tsp curcuma and mix in a high speed blender until very smooth, then add 1 dl coconut oil and ½ tsp agar-agar. mix again until really really smooth.
fill directly on top of the bottom or into half of the cupcake forms.
to the other half of the cashews add the juice of ½ a lemon 1 tbsp agave syrup, a dash of vanilla powder and the blueberry juice, mix until very smooth and then add 1 dl coconut oil and ½ tsp of aga-agar, mix again until everything is well worked under the cream. Fill onto the first cream and with a stick draw swirls and patterns.
If you make cupcakes you fill the rest of the forms with this purple batter.
keep in the fridge or in the freezer until stale and just enjoy these very satisfying treats (even if it’s not Easter ;) ) HAPPY EASTER!!!