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root veggie carpaccio

what to do with all the roots and beets that pop up everywhere? now the season really started and they are so juicy! make sure you got some red beets with it for ”the real look”.

serves four as a precourse or two as main course together with some crackers and a nice spread

6 mixed root vegetables (for example carrots, red beets, parsnips...just no potatoes!) 1 teaspoon grated ginger 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon peel juice of one lemon some freshly ground pepper 4 tablespoons virgin olive oil a pinch of Himalayan salt ½ dl mint leaves (any other fresh herbs are absolutely fine, too) 1 little red chili, cut in thin thin slices 1 dl sunflower seeds, ideally sprouted

peel the root vegetables, and slice in very thin ( max 1 mm) leaves on a mandolin or similar. place out on a big platter, so the leaves don’t cover each other too much. mix the lemon peel, juice, salt and oil, drizzle over the vegetables and spread the mint leaves and chili over. let sit for some time to let the juice make the vegetables tender.

sprinkle the sunflower seeds over the dish before serving.

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  raw and veggae

  raw food älmhult

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